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Kapital Electric, Inc. is a 2025 Service Provider for the ComEd Energy Efficiency Program.*

Kapital Electric was the Best-Performing Electric Vehicle Service Provider for ComEd’s Residential EV Charger Installation Rebate Program in 2024.

ATTENTION Commercial & Municipal Properties including Apartments, Hotels, Parks, Golf Courses, Strip Malls and more!


ComEd is offering a rebate that can cover up to 100% of the installation cost of 10 LEVEL 2 EV charging units or up to 60% for LEVEL 3 Superchargers with a maximum of $500,000 rebate.
Call Kapital Electric today for a Free Consultation to see if you qualify.

Limited Time

New Illinois Homeowner Incentive. Receive up to $3750 for EV Charger Installation at your residence. Call for more information.

Save With Solar Panels & EV Chargers in Chicago, IL

If you’re losing enthusiasm for traditional home energy solutions, it may be time to consider making the switch to solar energy. Homeowners who make the switch are not only doing their part to take care of the environment—they’re also saving big in the process. Kapital Electric is dedicated to helping homeowners like you make a seamless transition away from expensive fossil fuels by investing in the installation of quality solar panels and electric vehicle chargers that pay for themselves in no time. In fact, in the 2023 tax season, your new solar panels could be paying you!

solar referral program

Invest in Solar Energy in 2024

Did you know that by having a solar energy system professionally installed, you automatically qualify for certain tax credits as a reward for your investment? Through 2032, you can earn a 30% return on the cost of your home solar panel installation in the form of a solar energy tax credit. This tax incentive can be claimed the very same year you complete the installation. This means that should you choose to put your tax refund toward your conversion to clean, renewable energy, you’ll be eligible for the tax credit on your 2022 or 2023 tax return. Make sure to keep all your related receipts for documentation purposes, including costs related to:

  • Electrician and contractor fees
  • Permit fees and service costs
  • Solar consultation fees
  • Equipment and material costs
Kapital Electric

2024 Federal Tax Credit Info for Home

EV Charging Installation

The Inflation Reduction Act revives the EV charger federal tax credit for EV charging stations and equipment that had expired in 2021.

You could get a tax credit of 30% of the cost of hardware and installation, up to $1,000.

More Ways to Save

You don’t have to wait for your renewable energy credit to start seeing the financial benefit of switching to a clean, environmentally friendly solar panel system; as a homeowner, you’ll be able to start saving from the very first day. By investing in a professionally installed solar system from Kapital Electric, you’ll be free of the costs associated with the transportation and operation of traditional fossil fuel systems. Annual rate increases from your local energy supplier will be a thing of the past. Thinking about selling your home in the future? Installing solar panels now can significantly improve the value of your property. Surveys suggest that home buyers are willing to pay upward of $15,000 more for homes with a preexisting solar panel system.

When you choose Kapital Electric, you’re choosing more than just another electrician. Our team is dedicated to helping homeowners like you get the most out of their home energy systems. If you’d like to learn more about whether solar energy is right for you this 2023 tax season, be sure to give us a call to book a comprehensive, in-home solar consultation.

Kapital App iPhone 13

Download Our Referral App and Earn Extra Cash

You can go directly to the app store online to download the app for free and register as a user.

Start adding referrals to earn rewards.

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*ComEdSM Service Providers are certified contractors,
distributors and engineering or design firms who have
been trained on the processes and procedures of
ComEd. They help ComEd customers implement
improvements, offer program incentives, discounts and

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Make the Easy Switch to Renewable Energy