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Kapital Electric, Inc. is a 2025 Service Provider for the ComEd Energy Efficiency Program.*

Kapital Electric was the Best-Performing Electric Vehicle Service Provider for ComEd’s Residential EV Charger Installation Rebate Program in 2024.

Reliable EV Chargers in Chicago, IL, and Surrounding Areas

At Kapital Electric, Inc, we stand at the forefront of innovation in renewable energy. We do so by offering high-quality EV chargers to Chicago, IL customers. We want to ensure your journey toward environmentally friendly living is complete. You can’t have an electric vehicle without access to an EV charger, and there is no more convenient way to get a full charge than to put one in your home or business. We offer chargers from the most trustworthy brands, ensuring we continue to provide the customer service we are famous for throughout the area.

Installing a Tesla EV charger in Chicago, IL

Level Two EV Charging Stations for Residential Clients

Level two chargers charge quickly, making them perfect for property owners on the go. Most electric vehicles go from a low charge to a full charge in three hours. Our experienced technicians know how to quickly and safely install your charging system for optimal performance. Level two EV chargers are usually enough for residential clients, and we offer a wide range of options, including:

  • ChargePoint
  • Blink Charging
  • Wallbox
  • Tesla
  • Siemens
  • Span®
Commercial EV charger Set-up in Chicago, IL

Commercial EV Charging Stations for Eco-Conscious Companies

Installing an EV charger at your business perfectly signals your commitment to renewable energy and environmentally friendly practices. Doing so will improve your standing with potential clients and draw visitors to your location. Most importantly, working with our company ensures you receive the highest-quality EV charger and the best possible experience. Our brands include:

  • Autel
  • JuicePump
  • Kempower

Coming Soon: Bidirectional EV Charging Stations

We are always moving forward. We show it by continually offering new products that enhance our customers’ lives, including Schneider Electric and bidirectional EV charging systems. Bidirectional charging is the next big thing in EV charging because it allows two-way charging, enabling vehicle-to-grid or vehicle-to-grid charging. We will provide efficient and durable EV charging technology from trusted brands like Wallbox and Autel. The benefits of bi-directional charging include increased savings and becoming truly self-sufficient from the grid.

*ComEdSM Service Providers are certified contractors,
distributors and engineering or design firms who have
been trained on the processes and procedures of
ComEd. They help ComEd customers implement
improvements, offer program incentives, discounts and

Make the Easy Switch to Renewable Energy