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ATTENTION Commercial & Municipal Properties including Apartments, Hotels, Parks, Golf Courses, Strip Malls and more!


ComEd is offering a rebate that can cover up to 100% of the installation cost of 10 LEVEL 2 EV charging units or up to 60% for LEVEL 3 Superchargers with a maximum of $500,000 rebate.
Call Kapital Electric today for a Free Consultation to see if you qualify.

Commercial EV Charging Station Installation in Chicago, Rockford, Kankakee, Peoria, Dekalb, and Northwest Indiana

We Are Chicagoland’s Commercial EV Charging Experts

There is an abundance of electric vehicles on the road today, many of which may need a charge. You can increase your business’s traffic by installing a commercial EV charging station outside of your store, restaurant, or office. Kapital Electric, Inc. is Chicago, IL’s leading commercial EV charging installation provider. We have been serving the Chicagoland area for more than a decade, and we are confident we have alternative energy solutions that can help your organization. Electric vehicles come equipped with GPS charging station locators. As a result, you may be able to direct potential clients to your front door simply by installing commercial EV charging stations. Call our friendly team today to learn more about the process and benefits.

Car EV Charger Installation in Chicago, IL

Our Team Performs Commercial EV Charger Installation

We offer a wide range of commercial EV charger options. There are three main types of electric vehicle charging stations. Many homeowners opt for Level 1 charging stations. These use a standard 120-volt outlet. While this option is the least expensive, it is not ideal for commercial settings. Some electric cars take up to 20 hours to charge using this type of station. Therefore, our commercial clients will benefit most from Level 2 charging stations and DC fast charging stations:

  • Level 2 Charging – These charging stations can deliver up to 40 miles of driving range per hour of charging time. As a result, they are the standard for commercial properties.
  • DC Fast Charging – Also known as Level 3 charging, this option can provide more than 100 miles of range per hour of charging time. However, it is not compatible with all-electric vehicles.

After you determine which style will work best for your needs, our professionals will help you obtain a permit and arrange for inspections to facilitate the process. Our electricians can install these systems quickly and efficiently around your busy schedule.

Why You Should Install a Commercial EV Charger

The latest industry statistics show there are more than 5.6 million electric vehicles on the road today. Prognosticators expect that figure to reach 18.7 million by 2030. With the prevalence of electric cars rising exponentially, it would behoove your business to offer charging solutions for potential customers. While most EV owners charge their cars at home, they can always use an extra jolt of energy while they are out on the town. Benefits of installing a commercial EV charger include:

  • Electric vehicle tax incentives and rebates
  • Attracting and retaining clients
  • Showcasing your company’s green initiatives

We Supply EV Charging Stations for Various Properties

Kapital Electric, Inc. has been assisting business owners with their alternative energy solutions since 2009. Among the types of commercial facilities and properties that have solicited our help with EV charging stations are:

  • Hotels
  • Garages
  • Multi-resident properties
  • Office complexes
  • Parking lots
  • Restaurants
  • Shopping malls
  • Municipalities
  • Park Districts
  • Golf Courses

How Much Does Commercial EV Charger Installation Cost?

The cost of commercial EV charger installation will vary depending on the type of charging station you choose and your site’s requirements. Some settings require upgrades to solar panels or other additional considerations. We would be happy to schedule a consultation to inspect your property and determine a proper course of action. Our team will then work with you to find a solution that fits your budget.

Kapital Electric, Inc. now offers leasing options for EV chargers in condos and apartment buildings with no out-of-pocket cost.

A New Tesla EV charger was installed in a residential area by Kapital Electric, Inc. in Chicago, IL

Manufacturers With Which We Work

We are proud to work with a wide range of vehicle manufacturers. We specialize in commercial EV charging stations for carmakers such as:

  • BMW
  • Chrysler
  • Dodge
  • Fiat
  • Ford
  • General Motors
  • Harley-Davidson
  • Honda
  • Hyundai
  • Jeep
  • Lucid
  • Mitsubishi
  • Mercedes-Benz
  • Nissan Leaf
  • Polestar
  • Porsche
  • Rivian
  • Scion
  • Tesla
  • Toyota
  • Volkswagen
  • Volvo

Our EV Charging Solutions

Kapital Electric, Inc. offers a variety of charging solutions to reduce the operational cost of your fleet. Your Kapital Electric consultant will analyze your fleet’s needs and design a solution to meet these needs. We currently support the following chargers:

  • Blink
  • Charge Point
  • Clipper Creek
  • EverCharge
  • Juicebox
  • Siemens
  • Tesla
  • Wallbox

Add a Solar-Powered Carport to Your Charging Station

Depending on your location, you may have the option of adding a solar-powered carport to the charging stations. A Kapital Electric advisor can provide you with a free site evaluation and discuss the financial incentives available to you.

Some restrictions apply. See store associate for details.

Contact Kapital Electric, Inc. Today

The popularity of electric vehicles is rapidly increasing, with no signs of slowing in the near future. Business owners who get ahead of the trend and provide commercial EV charging stations are bound to thrive and attract additional customers. Kapital Electric, Inc. supplies and installs commercial electric vehicle charging stations for commercial property owners throughout Chicago, IL, and Northwest Indiana. Contact us today to request a consultation and free estimate.

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