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Solar Panels & EV Charger in Lake County, IL

Our team at Kapital Electric is proud to provide solar energy systems and solar panel installation to customers in Lake County. Our trained professionals will work with you from quote to completion to make sure we deliver the right solar energy needs for your home or business.

Whether you live in Waukegan, Gurnee, Zion, Deerfield, or anywhere else throughout Lake County or just outside, our experienced and professional team will be happy to assist you. We will work with you every step of the way and answer any questions that you have.

Green Energy Experts

Solar panels are becoming more and more popular every single day! There is a higher upfront cost; however, it can be made in payments. Once you have your solar panels installed, your monthly bill is much less than when using regular electricity. Using solar panels is also much better for the environment. It is no wonder more people are seeing the many benefits from installing solar panels for their home and businesses.

Solar panels allow photons or particles of light to use electrons from atoms to generate the flow of electricity. There are many different sizes of solar panels. Depending on where on your roof or around your house you want to put them will determine what kind of panel you will receive.

The installation process will also depend on the type of home or business you have and where it is according to the sun. When we install solar panels for businesses and homes, we make sure that they are at the exact angle for optimal exposure. If you have any trees or parts that are blocking the sun rays, we will advise you on how to work around them in order receive the maximum amount of sun.

Kapital Electric, Inc. assists residents in Lake County with developing the right system for their solar needs. We understand that you may be unsure of where to put the panels, how to attach them securely, and how to maintain them. We will answer all of these questions for you. We are proud to go the extra mile for our customers.

Schedule a Free Consultation Today

One of the most important parts of the solar panel installation process is safety. Accidents can happen if panels are not secured properly. Our trained professionals ensure that all electrical and structural safety protocols are met.

Our entire staff works hard to deliver the renewable energy services you need. We also provide whole-house generators and EV charging stations for businesses and homes. If you are looking for your solar panels to be professionally installed, contact the professionals at Kapital Electric, Inc. at 630-833-2389 or fill out the form below. We look forward to assisting you!

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