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Battery Storage Systems in Chicagoland, NW Indiana and Northern Illinois

If you want to invest in renewable energy systems for your Chicago, IL and the surrounding area property, then Kapital Electric, Inc has you covered. We have years of experience and relationships with the top brands. Our expertise and knowledge allow us to choose the most reputable manufacturers and install the right products in suitable homes and businesses. We know what we are doing and take great pride in delivering on our promises each time we work with a new client. No matter what kind of energy solution you want, you can count on unparalleled build quality and customer service from our team. Most importantly, you will experience a seamless installation process emphasizing your satisfaction.


Kapital Electric is proud to be awarded Panasonic EVERVOLT’s Residential Installer of the Year for 2024. This award is given only to top Panasonic solar installers who have met or exceeded the highest performance, quality, and service standards.

Kapital Electric, Inc. installed energy storage systems in Chicago, IL

Endless Energy: Invest in Tesla’s Powerwall Today

Tesla produces an impressive range of energy-efficient products, and one of the most popular is the Powerwall. It is an effective way to maintain power throughout outages – no matter how intense the storm is. It harnesses the power of your solar panels to produce endless energy, resulting in the most efficient home you have ever had. The benefits of it include:

  • Peace of mind as destructive storms approach
  • Quality and reliable energy throughout the day
  • It meets all your home or business’ energy needs on its own
  • Provides continuous power for over seven days
Kapital Electric, Inc. installed solar panels on roof in Chicago, IL

The Benefits of Energy Storage Systems

In addition to Tesla, our team is a distributor for Panasonic. Not only does Panasonic offer the best solar panels on the market, but they also manufacture the EverVolt. This energy storage system uses a high-tech lithium-ion battery to store energy from your solar panels. The technology can provide energy for a few hours in a power outage. The benefits of battery storage systems like EverVolt include:

  • Cost Savings: EverVolt saves money because it consumes more of the energy generated by your solar panels. You will see the difference in your monthly bills.
  • Reliability: By investing in a quality energy storage system, you can eliminate the need for emergency phone charging, candles, and flashlights.
  • Sustainability: Solar panels are the first step. The second is an energy system that reduces fossil fuels and decreases emissions.

Why Chicago Trusts Kapital Electric, Inc

We are proud of our reputation for excellence. Chicago trusts us because we have established ourselves as the go-to resource for energy-efficient systems. Our relationships with manufacturers like Tesla and Panasonic allow us to deliver outstanding customer service to our valued clients. Whether you own a business or a home, you can count on our team to adjust to your needs and install the right storage system on your property. We can calculate your storage needs based on your property’s size and move from there. Contact Kapital Electric, Inc today.

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