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Kapital Electric, Inc. is a 2025 Service Provider for the ComEd Energy Efficiency Program.*

Kapital Electric was the Best-Performing Electric Vehicle Service Provider for ComEd’s Residential EV Charger Installation Rebate Program in 2024.

We Provide Electric Vehicle Charging Station Installation

New Illinois Homeowner Incentive. Receive up to $3750 for EV Charger Installation at your residence. Call today for more information

Electric vehicles are becoming increasingly popular across the country because of their environmental benefits, fuel economy, and more. But the prevalence of charging stations is not yet where it needs to be. That is why it is critical to have a residential EV charging station if you drive an electric car. Kapital Electric, Inc. supplies and installs home EV charging stations for customers in Chicago, IL, and the surrounding area. We have been a leader in alternative energy solutions throughout Chicagoland for more than a decade, and EV charging stations are among our specialties. Our experts can help you choose an option that fits your needs and budget, and we can also install it for you quickly and efficiently. We are a preferred partner of Qmerit. Call us today to get started.

Kapital Electric, Inc. installed a residential EV charging station in a Chicago home

2024 Federal Tax Credit Info for Home EV Charging Installation

The Inflation Reduction Act revives the EV charger federal tax credit for EV charging stations and equipment that had expired in 2021.

You could get a tax credit of 30% of the cost of hardware and installation, up to $1,000.

The Different Types of Residential EV Charging Stations

Before buying a residential EV charging station for your home, it is important to know the various types available and how they differ. Our team will be happy to provide all the details you will need to decide during a consultation. The types of electric car charger stations we offer our customers in Chicago, IL are:

  • Level 1 Charging – Otherwise known as overnight charging, level 1 charging uses a standard 120-volt outlet. This style is the least expensive and easiest to install. It is best for light vehicle use because some electric cars may require up to 20 hours on a level 1 charger to charge their batteries completely.
  • Level 2 Charging – Level 2 chargers are more expensive than the level 1 variety, but they may save you considerable time. They can charge most electric vehicles in just three hours. However, they require an experienced, licensed electrician for installation, so seek assistance from Kapital Electric, Inc.
  • Level 3 Charging – This final option is also known as DC fast charging. A level 3 charger can charge your electric vehicle in as little as a half-hour. Level 3 chargers are most commonly found in commercial or industrial settings instead of homes.

Kapital Electric, Inc. offers a variety of charging solutions for your home or business. Your Kapital Electric consultant will analyze your needs and design a solution to meet these needs. We currently stock the following chargers but we will install all manufacturers if supplied by the customer.

  • Wallbox
  • Charge Point
  • Juicebox
  • Tesla
  • Span Drive
EV Charging Stations for Car by Kapital Electric, Inc. Chicago, IL

Benefits of Home EV Charging Stations

You deserve peace of mind knowing that your electric vehicle will get you to your destination every time you leave the house. We do not want you to have to search for a public EV charging station where you will have to sit and wait with your car until it is ready to continue. A residential EV charging station can help you avoid such a predicament. In addition to the benefits you will enjoy by driving an electric vehicle, the advantages of electric car charger home installation include:

  • Convenience- You may charge your electric vehicle whenever you desire to ensure it has a full battery when you leave home.
  • Cost Efficiency – By using your home’s electricity, you can avoid the expense of buying battery power from a third party.
  • Time Savings – Residential EV charger stations eliminate the need for sitting and waiting at a commercial charging station.
  • Safety – Enjoy the safety and comfort of your own home instead of subjecting yourself and your vehicle to natural and criminal dangers associated with charging your car in public.
A New Tesla EV charger was installed in a residential area by Kapital Electric, Inc. in Chicago, IL

How to Choose the Right EV Charging Station

There are many factors to consider before installing an EV charging station at your home. Kapital Electric, Inc. can help you throughout the process and point you toward the ideal station for your circumstances. Vehicle-related matters that you should take into consideration include:

  • How many miles you drive per day
  • Your electric vehicle’s mileage range
  • How long you can allow for charging
  • How you use your vehicle

Furthermore, you must also take the following home-related factors into account:

  • Your home’s electrical infrastructure
  • Where your charger will be located
  • Cord length and cord management
  • Whether you want a WiFi-enabled system

The EV Charging Station Installation Process

There are several steps you must take before installing a residential EV charging station at your home. First, you may need to consult with your building manager or homeowner’s association to get permission. Next, consult with the professionals at Kapital Electric, Inc. A licensed electrician must install most electrical vehicle charging stations. In addition to completing the handiwork, we can also obtain an electrical permit from the City of Chicago on your behalf. After your charger has been installed, we will arrange for the city to inspect the charging station to ensure it meets all requirements. You will then be ready to charge your electric vehicle whenever you want.

Contact Kapital Electric, Inc. Today

The flexibility and convenience of at-home EV charging is a luxury every electric car owner should enjoy. Kapital Electric, Inc. makes it possible for customers in Chicago, IL, and the surrounding area. We work with manufacturers including AeroVironment, Bosch, Charge Point, Clipper Creek, EverCharge, GE, Juice Box, Leviton, Schneider, Siemens, and Tesla. Contact us today for a free estimate.

**Current Special: Get a free EV charging station installed when adding a new solar energy system to your home**

*ComEdSM Service Providers are certified contractors,
distributors and engineering or design firms who have
been trained on the processes and procedures of
ComEd. They help ComEd customers implement
improvements, offer program incentives, discounts and

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